
All posts for the month February, 2015

Research ideas

Published February 12, 2015 by zsurcy

At our last Skype session we were talking about many things including research ideas, which I am very much interested in as I feel blind at the moment in this field. Hopefully I have just finished module 1 and starting module 2. At this stage I feel I am very behind as I did not find my research questions yet and I should have the inspiration very soon.

Like lost of you I have also lots of ideas about research questions but maybe it is not a good thing. I believe I am at the stage as a little child. Imagine she is standing front of thousands of different candies and she is forced to decide which one she will choose. Like she cannot choose all of them, I can also choose only 1.

Reflecting on myself I took a paper and wrote up which fields I am interested in and after add questions to each of them. I ended up with a huge map of my questions and I realised I did not even know I have so many! Again… I felt like a child as children have sooooo many questions. I am not sure if we as adults just lost the interest in questions over the time or we just gain boundaries to ask them. This could be a great research:) However, I do believe questions are good and we should definitely raise them up as often as they have born inside of us. After being lost in my mind map I forced myself to narrow the circles to choose which one I want to know more about. While doing it I kept in mind it is for my future so I asked myself a question what is your dream to be. I have realised it is still too wide so I asked what would be my next step after the master degree on my career’s ladder-step. That is quite obvious to me as before applying to this course I already knew it. I wish to teach musical theatre jazz dance at a university so my research question should be around that area. Although I know it is extremely interesting field and I am very inspired of it, I still could not pull out one of the idea I wrote up on my mind map. “Is the dance completions are beneficial or detrimental to children’s lives.” – this question is so interesting to me as it is not only a nowadays’ question but also I was part of many completions in my childhood as well. For my far future this question would be relevant as I wish to explore more into this field but my near future would require to get deeper in the musical theatre dance pedagogy at universities. What would you do? Right now I wish to be able to research in 2 fields:)

So… If I would think clearly I would choose to know more about musical theatre jazz dance pedagogy at universities. Let’s think clearly for a moment!:) what would be my questions about it? How would I go around them? Like I have said I mapped up my fields and connected my questions to them, but at the moment I feel I would have not enough pages and time to answer all of them. And again I need to narrow my research field…

… I feel blind even if I have ideas…!!! What do you think? Do you know already what you will research? If yes, how did you find the perfect questions? If no, how are you looking for the perfect questions?

Looking forward to read your answers, feel brave enough to do so!:)
