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Useful Videos to watch

Published January 15, 2016 by zsurcy

Hey Everyone!


I know most of you are having the brakes between the modules, but some of you (like me) are busy getting ready for the final presentation. i thought these videos maybe useful for everyone… even for those, who will have the presentation in few days time and also for those who still have months before yours, as all of us aim to finish with a great presentation.


the first link i wish to share with you is a quite long video. it’s a  a presentation lecture from Rab Paterson. i found it very interesting and very useful…:)

the next one is a Ted talk about presentations… it’s called the death of power-point. i believe, you already know what is it about…:) its about the successful ways to create a good power-point file for our presentations



and the next one is by Gordon Kangas – Giving Presentations Worth Listening To. i think, you can guess again what is it about 🙂



…and the last one for those, who have questions about ethics in research. i know it’s a bit different field than ours, but i found it during searching the web about presentations of researches and it sees ethics in research from a different angle… so enjoy:)



anyway… happy holiday to everyone and for those, who i meet on Monday…CAN’T WAIT:) it’s sooooooooo exciting:) don’t get me wrong, i am quite nervous, but i believe it will be an amazing day!:) it is so different, that i am not writing any more, but creating my artefact and also, practising my speech:) i know it sounds surprising, but i started to miss writing already 🙂




Connections through our lives…

Published November 1, 2015 by zsurcy

Today Skype conference talk was very interesting, it was so exciting to connect with everyone who took part of it and see how everyone is coping with our studies. I have chosen to write about connection… Connection, which is all around us and always we bump into it one way or the other. Today at the morning session I have realised our topics connects not only due to our study structure but also due to the fact how everything is connected… If there is really not an other connection, but there will be surely one connection : YOU! As you are connecting to everything around your life….Let me explain it…

Sarah was saying how engaged she became with blogging and the way her feeling was changing over the time about writing a blog. Writing and sharing our thoughts online is clearly taking ownership of our thoughts which connects to take a responsibility on. Is it not what we do every day? Why are we still scared of it? I remember I was scared to write on my blog at the beginning but after a while it became a useful tool to start a conversation with others or/and to start a journey of my thoughts as when I write down my thoughts it will settle down and if someone comments on it maybe my thoughts will get deeper or that comment will bring up a different angle of a point of view, which will broaden my view as well. Like recently just happened to me while reading someone’s blog where she explained a situation at her class. One of her student told her she is scared of a movement which just clicked on a thought inside of me…. Although my research is not about a movement but the ultimate way to teach expressing emotions, Feeling scared is still one of the theme came up while analysing the collected data. These two totally different situation and the same theme made me think of the reasons behind feeling scared. I was going into my experiences as well… When did I feel scared? Did it change over the time? How did it changed? Why did it changed? Etc…etc… And there is the obvious answer popping up! The Unknown scares all of us… As Samantha said today feeling scared is a natural feeling and we need to accept to feel sometimes frightened… All of these so different situations still connect on this point…feeling scared of the Unknown! We are not self confident enough to face these situations without a fear as we are not entirely sure what exactly will happen! It takes self confidence to take ownership of our thoughts, it takes self confidence to take the risk what others will think about our way of thinking….because we tend to forget it matters less what is the actual product but how we traveled to that conclusion. Every voice matters as it will broaden not only our view but our environment’s views as well and if you have reasonable explanation of the journey to your conclusion, others will understand your conlusion with or without agreeing… But the point is not to agree with you, but to understand how you ended up where you are! Blogging is exactly that… Explaining our journey between our thoughts..analysing situations or thoughts which came up in our journey and shape our way of thinking…. Let’s not forget that even though we may end up at the same conclusion, most probably our journey was different… Also, our choices on our journey will open up new doors, new possibilities and even new (or let’s say more) questions…

Let’s go back to our reason to be scared….being confident! To be more confident we need to be brave to take risks as with practice we will gain confidence. Like we say practice makes perfect 🙂 so as we said today just do it! Start writing, or analysing or anything what you are scared of:) after you have done it once, the second time will be less scary and so on…:) the blogs and our reflective diary is our practice board:)

At the moment I am on that stage with my analyses for my research… I am taking a calculated risk to write as I know I will rewrite it so many more times and it will always get better and better…. But I have never done this type of analyses yet… Oh wait! I have done! At module 1 with the Aols! Wow…. An other connection…. At my Aols I had to analyse HOW have I learnt my skills. The most important point is on the journey there to make the reader understand my way to the point where I am at the moment! It’s like when you talking to your friends as a typical girly chat:) Don’t tell me you don’t analyse everything around you in your private life with your closest friends or at least in your own mind:) I definitely do:) I believe it’s in our GNA as women loves overthinking situations and talking about one thing for hours and hours (and you know very well we do not say the same things but we see the things always from different angles!) that is also analysing! So if I am doing it already for 27 years (that’s my age) than why on earth I am scared of it? Most probably you also know the answer… Because I have never done it in this concept! This will be my very first time and I am also a human and as it was said today, it’s a natural feeling to be scared of the Unknown!
To be scared of the Unknown is a natural feeling as being connected is a natural status. We – as human being – are always looking for connections around us… Even those situations or people we do not feel connected to are also being connected to us due to a moment when we came across them. At the centre of any connections is always us! Maybe things or people are connected to us not only in one way but from that moment we acknowledged something/someone we can point out at least one connection.

What are your thoughts about it? Let’s connect by sharing where did you connect to my blogpost:)image

How i have became addicted to think….

Published October 9, 2015 by zsurcy

WOW! I cannot believe I am starting officially my third (…the last) module of my MA. To be honest I was already working on my research almost all summer long but after the first skype conference call of this this term made it so real. I am soooooooo excited, full of curiosity and at the same time scared… why scared? …. I am feeling a bit lostJ …. And also I am feeling so overwhelmed and maybe scared if I have enough time to complete my research. I know there is no such thing as complete a research as there is always more to look but still I wish to do more than my best! … my family said I should been already used to these feelings as in the last two modules I felt exactly the same!… yeah, maybe they are right but I am maximalist and I do not think I could get ever used to feel being lost and having so many questions without answers… BUT never say never!


If  think about how our thoughts are shaped and our way of thinking changes in such a short period makes me excited. Exactly one year ago I started my journey on this program and I have changed so much…. At the first module we had to learn how to thing backward… “what have I learnt, how and when did I learn these skills, why are these skills are so important in my profession and how do I still use theim nowadays?” I remember I did not even know how to start it… step by step… but after finishing my CV I had to start to write and continue to write and do not stop to write and… write… and write… and write! WOW! I never thought I could write so much!:) at the first module these “questing mood”, “always look behind our movements”, “this reflective lifestyle” has been awaken…. The reason why I say awaken as it was already inside of us… we have already done this things but unconsciously, but at the first module we had to learn to live this reflective lifestyle consciously. I am sure you will agree with me when I say since that moment I cannot switch this skill off and I am loving it! you see the all world from a different angle…. At the other side you need this skill for the next 2 modules of this course! I feel I cannot switch my thoughts off, it is always running in the background and the weirdest things is when the best thoughts are coming up at the most unexpected times! It makes me so excited and makes me wanting my thoughts to run all the time to understand more and more and more….


I have realised it is very important to keep a record of my thoughts… at the beginning I was using only my reflective diary but after a while I have realised it cannot be with me all the time. So I started to make notes in my iPad, or when I could not write I was making a voice memo not to forget my ideas, or questions or possibilities etc. at this way I could summarize my thoughts once a week and compare to the last week and the week before etc… to see the changes and developing of my thoughts made me wanting to think even more… I got addicted!


At the module two without my reflective lifestyle I would not been able to find my research topic. Furthermore, without my “questioning mood” I would not been able to write the proposal of my research. I had to understand at the module two not the answers are important but the questions… as the questions will most probably lead to further questions and so on… without thinking backward I would have made many more mistakes in my  proposal… (such us ethics – what would happen to the participant if I do this or that etc.; research methods – how would I carry out the best way of my research; Findings – how would I analyse my collective data)


Now, at the module three I am aware not the answers are important as the questions will lead me. At the other hand I need to learn in more depth to look behind the questions and the answers as well… even at cases when there is no such thing as an answer!… and that is exactly which scares me to learn to see the world in this way! For me answers were always important in my all life… I was constantly looking for answers! Exactly a year ago I started my questing and reflective lifestyle and now, I need to forget about the answers I should concentrate on my questions. I believe as the reflective lifestyle became part of my everyday life the questioning lifestyle will become part of it too. Maybe it will result the same that I will not be able to switch it off and I will become addicted to it as it happened with the reflective lifestyle. 🙂


What do you think? Is it only me or you feeling similar things?

Qualitative research as non-positivist researcher or Quanitative research as a positivist researcher…… the roots of self-knowledge: dualism and monism (TASK 3)

Published April 23, 2015 by zsurcy

Is everything black and white? Can you always separate the good from bad? I do not think so. Obviously there are questions, which can be answered straight away as the answer could be measured or there are rules to follow or we know it due to our ethical considerations. However, there are questions which could lead us to different directions as there are neither good nor bad answers. Maybe there are more good or bad questions J

Dance is already a subjective field. You can love or hate the same choreography as our tastes are subjective. However, the dance technique is everything, but subjective as there are rules which need to be applied. I believe in our private life more non-positivist questions are coming up than positivist, but that is why life is so beautiful. We are free to make different decisions, or have different opinions and it does not mean we are good or bad, but it means we are different. Imagine if the rainbow would be only one colour, it would be boring… like the life would be boring if all of us would be the same or every question would have only one answer.

There are different believes about the mind, body and soul. Some believes in monism, some in dualism…. Even this question has different answers which does not explains less or more about the person, but his/her opinion. There are multiple factors which makes a dancer an expert in her/his field – all related to mind, body and soul. In my opinion the mind brings the body to the spirit. Without a harmony between these elements the dancer cannot rich her/his best potentials. As a dance teacher that is my duty to help this harmony to be born and/or to be developed to a better stage.

The roots of self-knowledge – connection of the mind and soul

Dualism was already present in the ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. Socrates did not find wiser person than himself, he realised he knew nothing and that made him the wisest man of all. ‘The knowledge starts, when you realise there are so much more to be discovered.’ The famous Socratic Method of teaching was not based on his books (as he did not have any), but it is based on questing people – sometimes with humiliating questions. ‘The Socratic method is still widely used to this day… By using the Socratic method, students are able to start thinking critically and using logic and reasoning to create their arguments, while also finding and patching up holes in their positions.’ – (Kleinman, 2013:17) Socrates was the teacher of Plato and the mentor of Aristotle who have carried on his dualism belief. By the way, his teaching method is still used today… for example in law schools, or even in our work based learning course.

Plato’s opinion about the body was negative. ‘In the words of Plato’s Athenian, “soul is utterly superior to body….what gives each one of us his being is nothing else but his soul, whereas the body is no more than a shadow which keeps us company” …however, Plato does relate body and soul through dance, holding that dance benefits the soul in a therapeutic way, producing mental calm through rocking motion and ritual.’ – (Fraleigh, 1996:7)

Aristotle differs from his teacher, Plato. Due to his biological studies he is closed to the nature and does not go so far as Plato in the negative concept of human body through his theory of ‘materialism’. ‘For Aristotle, art was a result of both the soul and hand of the artist and was seen as “patterned energy.” For him the soul was “not a precious spiritual essence, but a principal of life” ’ – (Fraleigh, 1996:257)

Plato and his Christian followers believed the body is separation from God and it leads the soul to destruction. The body needs to be disciplined and controlled in order to reach the perfection of God. ‘the baptized person must experience the death of selfish bodily motivation: ”We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin” (6:6)’ – (Finlan, 2008:114); The female body appeared to be particularly dangerous, sinful and deserves oppression. Although dancers most probably do not think in these religious terms, there is undoubtedly a strong tradition to make the body suffer or disregard the body’s needs especially in dancers’ lives –  for example regular diet, rest and ignoring pain while practising to ensure keep the deadlines as the show goes on.

Famous clichés also talk about splits in the identity. “Your body as your instrument.” – It presumes the body and the soul can be separated. If we see it as this concept, the dancer allows the suffering and abusing of his/her body to serve his/hers role as a dancer; such as the human uses the body as an instrument for communication purposes.

‘”The body as instrument”… dehumanises the whole person to a thing to be designed, tempered, refined and sharpened to perform particular skills. It suggests an unfeeling precious thing to be handled with care and used only for a specific purpose… This concept reinforces the body-mind split so prevalent in Judeo-Christian culture… We are gradually moving towards a more holistic culture. Perhaps we should be moving towards holistic dance teaching as well.’ – (Greeves,1993:11)

The strong change in Christianity between the spiritual and physical aspects of self-knowledge came with Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). He was following Aristotle through materialism but believed God uses the human body to interpret change in the world. The body was still a tool in his opinion but instead of being Plato’s tomb or a prison of soul, Thomas Aquinas’ body gained more value through its purposes.

Religion was determining part of everyone’s lives. Dancing was also existing in religions, such as Christian, Orphism, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, etc.  At Christian belief ‘dance was still acceptable because it was planted deep in the soil of the Judeo-Christian tradition.’ (Gagne 1984:43) Due to the Hebrew roots and the prevailing social and political influences of the Roman Empire Christians were dancing at carnivals, celebrations and worships. Christians shared the dualism belief – the body as the sin’s birthplace.  John Chrysostom said that ‘where dancing is, there is the evil one’ (Gagne 1984:50). By the middle-ages dance was banned from all Christian services except the annual ceremony of Carnival.

‘Cogito ergo sum’ – ‘I think therefore I am’; a well-known statement of 17th century by Rene Descartes is at the centre of modern understanding of dualism. Dualism divides the mind and the body. These quite unlike substances – which could not exist in unity – work side by side. In this understanding the body is at the bottom of the pile in terms of human condition.

Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy – the book of Sir Isaac Newton – is considered as ‘the single most important work in the history of modern science.’ (Kendrick, 2010:113)  Newton followed Descartes’ philosophy of human endeavour. ‘We are moving bodies…in everyday life, the difference between lifeless movement and lived movement is extremely meaningful…Descartes doubted whether he could make a difference between a man and a machine clothed in a coat and hat.’ (Parviainen 1998:45) From Descartes’s theory Darwin’s was born – the evolution. He believed human body was continuously adapting to its’ environment for the best chance of survival. It was the body on its own, which had the knowledge – placed outside the ‘mind’ – to restructure the human body: a thinking body

At the other hand, there are those who believes in ‘monism’ when the body and the mind is not separated, but one ‘thing’. The category of monist belief is very broad. There are two opposite opinions about monism. Some does not believe in the body entirely. In their opinion the material elements only exist in our mind by multiplex thoughts. At the opposite side, some believe everything is material.

The holistic view, when we see the body as the whole as our body, mind and soul relate to each other – furthermore, they depend on each other – makes the most sense to me. If we ignore one of the element’s sign to ourselves, the balance will get weaker and may be destroyed. To be happy, healthy and satisfied in our lives we need to pleasure both elements equally. However, there are different opinions as I have already said: there are neither good nor bad answers… like there are positivist or non-positivist researcher!

As we are all different I am curious on your views. What do you think?


Greeves, T. 1993. The Difference between Trainig and Taming the Dancer’. In P. Brinson (ed.), Training Tomorrow’s Professional Dancers, London: Laban Centre

Miller, J. P. 2007 Holistic curriculum: second edition. Torronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press

Kleinman P. 2013. Philosophy 101 from Plato and Socrates to ethics and metaphysics, an essential primer on the history of thought. Avon, USA: Adams Media

Fraleigh, Horton, S. (ed.) 1996. Dance and the Lived Body. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press

Finlan, Stephen. 2008. The Apostle Paul and the Pauline Tradition. Minnesota: Liturgical Press

Kendrick, M. G. 2010. The Heroic Ideal: Western Archetypes from the Greeks to the Present. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co Inc

Parvianen, J. 1998. Bodies moving and moved: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Dancing Subject and the Cognitive and ethical Values of Dance Art. Vammala: Tampere University Press

On the journey…:)

Published March 26, 2015 by zsurcy

It was a while I didn’t write to my blog and now, I really felt the need to express my thoughts in my journey:)

Although I believe I am very behind, but I believe I started to see the light at the end of the road. It is quite exciting to plan my research and being lost in books to see what others thoughts about my research field. At the other hand I am aware I should write with bigger steps as I am doing now. 

3000 words for the research proposal and 6000 words for the research is not much! Especially for me, who loves talking and able to talk about 1 thing for an hour:) I need to find a way to express my thoughts in less words and more highlight those which are relevant to my questions. It sounds easy but everything is related to everything… How to see the whole picture in 9000 words? Right now, I believe it is impossible and maybe it just give me the hunger to go for a PhD after this MA as I want to research in more depth.  Saying this, first I need to research as much as I can in my field for this MA and have an overview and conclusion about the process to help my students in a best way to be great dancers.

I was reading a lot about the mind and body connections. Is it dualism or monism? Or maybe something else? At one hand I feel all can be, but my instincts guide me it is all related… The mind body and soul have their own purposes and without having them in balance we will not find the perfect match to be great dancers or dance teachers. Holistic approach to dance is something I can relate to as without these elements being in harmony we will not find a connection between the act must be played and herself/himself as an individual. 

I realised there is no good or bad answers… The mistakes hides only on the chosen way – how do we go and find out the answers. When we will interview people in the 3rd module the questions will lead us to our conclusion. If we don’t raise the right questions we will not find the answers. If we are not spontaneous, we may loose the point….I mean we have our base questions but we have to change them if the answers from the questioned person lead us somewhere else. It is all Socrates teaching method which based on questioning people… He was looking for the wisest man in athen – he found himself the wisest from all as he did not know anything…and I realise after all he was right! The knowledge starts when we realise there is so many things still unknown!

How will you fit your proposal into 3000 words? And your research into 6000? Help me!:)))

Research ideas

Published February 12, 2015 by zsurcy

At our last Skype session we were talking about many things including research ideas, which I am very much interested in as I feel blind at the moment in this field. Hopefully I have just finished module 1 and starting module 2. At this stage I feel I am very behind as I did not find my research questions yet and I should have the inspiration very soon.

Like lost of you I have also lots of ideas about research questions but maybe it is not a good thing. I believe I am at the stage as a little child. Imagine she is standing front of thousands of different candies and she is forced to decide which one she will choose. Like she cannot choose all of them, I can also choose only 1.

Reflecting on myself I took a paper and wrote up which fields I am interested in and after add questions to each of them. I ended up with a huge map of my questions and I realised I did not even know I have so many! Again… I felt like a child as children have sooooo many questions. I am not sure if we as adults just lost the interest in questions over the time or we just gain boundaries to ask them. This could be a great research:) However, I do believe questions are good and we should definitely raise them up as often as they have born inside of us. After being lost in my mind map I forced myself to narrow the circles to choose which one I want to know more about. While doing it I kept in mind it is for my future so I asked myself a question what is your dream to be. I have realised it is still too wide so I asked what would be my next step after the master degree on my career’s ladder-step. That is quite obvious to me as before applying to this course I already knew it. I wish to teach musical theatre jazz dance at a university so my research question should be around that area. Although I know it is extremely interesting field and I am very inspired of it, I still could not pull out one of the idea I wrote up on my mind map. “Is the dance completions are beneficial or detrimental to children’s lives.” – this question is so interesting to me as it is not only a nowadays’ question but also I was part of many completions in my childhood as well. For my far future this question would be relevant as I wish to explore more into this field but my near future would require to get deeper in the musical theatre dance pedagogy at universities. What would you do? Right now I wish to be able to research in 2 fields:)

So… If I would think clearly I would choose to know more about musical theatre jazz dance pedagogy at universities. Let’s think clearly for a moment!:) what would be my questions about it? How would I go around them? Like I have said I mapped up my fields and connected my questions to them, but at the moment I feel I would have not enough pages and time to answer all of them. And again I need to narrow my research field…

… I feel blind even if I have ideas…!!! What do you think? Do you know already what you will research? If yes, how did you find the perfect questions? If no, how are you looking for the perfect questions?

Looking forward to read your answers, feel brave enough to do so!:)


After the first module

Published January 24, 2015 by zsurcy

First of all I would like to congratulate for those who just had the final presentation at Middlesex university. I believe you have put the standards high and it will be challenging and also exciting to feel the people’s attention on me when I will stand out to give my final presentation in one year time. However, I have heard from a conference speech “not the destination matters the most, but the journey towards it” – obviously the goal also matters, but I already started to understand what this sentence means. As I am walking my journey towards the MA, I enjoy every little steps – even those when I am glued on the chair as I am writing non-stop to finish my assessments on time. After all, I am not only learning new things, new skills about dance, but about myself as well.

I wouldn’t think I could be happy for a cancelation of a meeting as I was on last Sunday. If that meeting would not be canceled, I would not have the opportunity to attend the finalists presentation. I did not only hear interesting point of views from the students, but also I could meet finally some of you. I feel it is easier to express myself if I know faces behind the blogs and voices. I definitely think we should get closer to each other as all of you are really interesting people and some of our interests are the same so it would not be so difficult to develop friendships. Maybe after the next final presentation if any of you are up for a dinner or even just a drink, it would be a good idea to go out together.

After finishing my assessment works, I was a little bit lost. I don’t know if you felt the same, but suddenly I found myself clueless what to do in my free time as until then I did not have any. I know it sound silly but it did not take much time to miss writing and reading, I believe it became a habit and maybe it will never disappear from my life – which I can say I am happy for.

Soon starting the next module and I cannot wait to be in touch with all of you again!

What a past few weeks!!!!

Published November 24, 2014 by zsurcy

What a past few weeks!!!!

I feel very-very ashamed I did not post earlier. I know excuses do not help to back myself up as the facts, which only matters. I always tell my students I do not care about their excuses, but their performances at classes. Why should not be it the same with me?

Two days after our skype conference talk, I have received a call from my parents that one of my grandmother had passed away…. It took me as a hurricane as I did not think I have to say goodbye forever so soon.. I had the next two days few classes where I just could not afford to not, but I felt really unstable and even though I tried, but I could not concentrate…after I travelled back to Hungary, to my mother country for the funeral and help my father and his sisters and brothers to solve anything comes up… it is still hard to talk about it, but I know my grandmother would want me to carry on life and give my best in the uni and also to my other responsibilities as well. Also I have realised to be busy at work now is actually helps me not to think about my loss.

I thought I will be able to work in Hungary, but it was impossible and unrealistic… so when I got back to the UK my “to do list” grew so much, but so much I would have never imagined… then I panicked how can I be ready with everything till the deadlines. I am still rushing, but I think I started to see clearer and be able to see the light at the end of the road…

I had to make new choreography and also refresh some old ones for the Ideal Home Show at Earls Court as with my company we had there a performance and also I am creating costumes and huge feather fans for our Christmas showcases, which will be on the 6th and 7th of December – I am very sorry but I won’t be able to attend the next skype session. Of course I also have my classes and also the preparation requires extra rehearsal times as well.

Study-wise I am trying to find every little possibilities around me… I am almost finished with one of the AOL’s draft, but to be honest I did not realise it before, it will take so long… I feel I am behind myself and I am trying to sleep as less as I can to have more time to finish everything as soon as possible. I also got a little cold 2 weeks ago and I am still suffering from it, I guess I should sleepJ but I think I would be more stressed if I would sleep now and not do my jobs! So responsibilities comes first!:)

If you wish to check some of my students and also myself out, here are 2 videos from the Ideal Home show:

